Virtual Counseling: 

Trying to get healthy but something ALWAYS pops up preventing you from making it to your appointment?

If you don't live in Los Angeles, are always on the go, or just can't make it in for a face-to-face session, virtual counseling is for you! 


$75 Initial 50 minute visit

$35 25 minute follow up appointments

For more information, go to my profile at nutrimedy.

In Person:

Initial Consultation:

  • 60 minute nutrition assessment and evaluation

  • Email with a summary of our session, as well as a personalized plan with short and long term goals

  • Applicable follow up including recipes, food journal analysis, and educational materials


Follow-Up Sessions: 

  • 45 minute nutrition assessment and evaluation

  • Email with a summary of our session, as well as a personalized plan with updated short and long term goals

  • Food journal reviews, as needed

  • Email support

